ocra による Ruby の EXE 化 近頃はずっと仕事が忙しく、mruby を見たり遊んだりもまったくできないので、業務で使わせていただいている ocra について、主に社内用にメモしておきます。 JsMruby やその他のリクエストに対応できていなくてご
ruby reference c++ reference development source on github issues & wishlist change log Project of the Day: Ostatni Bastion Discover more awesome projects in the Gosu Showcase. hello ruby c++ / ios. Gosu is a 2D game development library for Ruby and C++. It’s available for macOS, Windows, Linux (including Raspbian), and iOS. 以前tkを使ったRubyのアプリをocraでexeにしていた事があるので、そんな制約はないと思います。 – kojix2 4月3日 4:21 コメント追加 | Aug 02, 2013 · OCRA (One-Click Ruby Application) builds Windows executables from Ruby source code. The executable is a self-extracting, self-running executable that contains the Ruby interpreter, your source code and any additionally needed ruby libraries or DLL. I came across the OCRA gem that allows you to easily generate a windows executable from a ruby script. This packages the ruby interpreter and all dependencies into an executable file. It was quite straightforward to get it working, you simply install the gem on windows and run the ocra command with the name of your ruby script. ocra 설치(Install OCRA) #gem install ocra ocra를 이용하여 ruby script(.rb) -> exe(Win Executable File)로 변환 간단한 Exploit 코드를 Exe로 변환하도록 하겠습니다. 테스트에 사용할 코드는 아래와 같습니다.
OCRA, builds Windows executables from Ruby source code ! these executables are a self-extracting, self-running executables that contains the Ruby interpreter, your source code and any additionally needed ruby libraries or DLL. In this article, you'll learn how to create an executable from a ruby script easily using OCRA in windows. Requirements
Deploying Ruby/Tk Applications as Windows 7 Executables With the help of the OCRA gem building a Windows executable was relatively straightforward. OCRA produces an executable that is self-extracting and self-running. Under the hood, the executable contains your Ruby source code, all required Ruby libraries and gems (and even Windows DLLs), as well as the Ruby interpreter to run it all. How to create Ruby executable file in Windows? | Como Oct 31, 2018
Jul 18, 2013
OCRA (One-Click Ruby Application) builds Windows executables from Ruby source code. The executable is a self-extracting, self-running executable that contains the Ruby interpreter, your source code and any additionally needed ruby libraries or DLL. rubyw.exe - Microsoft Community Mar 19, 2017 Ruby | Our Code World